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  • Writer's pictureRishi

Our Biased Observation

Why? Why is the world the way it is? Is it because of pure randomness? Is it just because one thing must happen in the next instant out of infinite possibilities? Or are we just assuming things? I think the reason we cannot answer these questions is that we have assumed so many things as human beings. And just like in an experiment, any error in measurement comes back to haunt you. These assumptions have made our lives so much more overfitted for survival that we just cannot think beyond them. We have already cracked the code of survival, and yet we are still going in the same direction. Almost all of humanity is working towards convenience, leisure, and security, and the whole economy is built around it. Why is this so? This is because we subconsciously know that convenience and leisure equal increased chances of survival. Over the years, the human hormone system has evolved to reward activities that result in increased chances of survival. But the question is, are these assumptions about the world real? Are we really using our experiences ( which is the only thing that is certainly true, see: 'The Building Block") to understand the world, or is all of it going towards survival? I think the most important human nature we have developed during our quest for survival is the ability to make sense of things. We don't care if something is true or not, as long as it makes sense. Let me clear this up using an example. What is the difference between a place now and the same place 2 hours later? It's' time ', isn't it? If we just forge the concept of time, we can easily make sense of changes. Things that were a wonder for us now make sense. Things like movement ( change in position), heat (change in temperature), and many more. But do we really understand what 'time' is? Is it even real? No one knows. But one thing is for sure, this one basic assumption about the world has changed us as a species. We cannot imagine a world where time does not exist. There are many more such assumptions about the world that have collectively given us the interface that we see to interact with the world mechanism. Apart from 'the ability to make assumptions' we have acquired one other thing that is proving to be more of a roadblock in our quest to understand the world than our assumptions, i.e., "the ability to completely ignore things that don't align with our purpose of survival'. I mean, think about it. We have defined the word 'interaction' in a way that revolves around our survival. And we are trying to use the same definition of interaction to describe what is happening in nature, e.g. things that are happening between neutrons and protons, light and dark matter, etc. I am not trying to say that our scientific observations are wrong, what I am trying to say is that how we process those observations is completely out of context. The concept of movement, the concept of angle, and direction, are all built upon assumptions that we made about the world thousands of years ago as a species just for the sake of survival. And, now, as a result, we have become ignorant of the things that are actually turning the gears of this world. So, now, the question is, if getting tuned for survival has made us this weak against the grand mechanism of the world, then how can we overcome this? And the answer, most probably, is that we just need to revert those assumptions and try looking at the world without making sense of it. I know, it doesn't make sense to throw away the way we think and live, but some of the yogis, knowingly or unknowingly, are doing something similar. Although it's highly unlikely that the religious part of it is true and things like enlightenment exist. But I have seen people in meditating states who have much more developed observational skills and an open mind as compared to myself. If there is a way to observe things that are automatically filtered by our brain before reaching our conscious self, I would like to explore them myself.

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